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WaterWatch’s mission is simple: to protect and restore streamflows in Oregon’s rivers and streams for fish, wildlife, and the people who depend on healthy rivers. Our small-but-mighty staff works on rivers across the state to remove obsolete dams and secure balanced water policies, during this critically important time of recurring drought and a changing climate. For nearly 40 years, WaterWatch has been a voice for rivers and fish in Oregon’s legislature as well as in the agencies where water is allocated and managed. No other organization does this.
But none of this work would be possible without the support of people and businesses like you!
Donate an item, trip or service to our annual auction and contribute to a legacy of healthy rivers, streams and wetlands in Oregon!
WaterWatch is a 501(3)(c) charitable organization and our tax ID is 93-0888158. If you have any questions about donations, please contact Development Officer Jesse Robbins at 503.295.4039 ext. 111, or